Any ideas?
Hi Ray
This too happen to me on my old G4 Desktop running Tiger. This has affected many running this "old" system. Sadly it looks like Apple is not in a rush to fix it as they're concentrating on Leopard.
The problem started with a recent series of Security Fixes. The installer corrupted the Network prefs. One can of course change everything using Terminal, but the simplest work around is as follows:
- System Pref > Security
- "Check" Require password to unlock each secure system preference
- Goto Network (this should prevent the "network setting have changed..." loop)
- Change your Airport settings (you may have to unlock the padlock before making the change)
- Lock the changes
Thanks Galen,
That has fixed the Network problem, but despite being on Automatic and DCHP I still have to choose the wireless network manually.
Hi Ray
Re: Losing connection after sleep, have you tried the following?
- System preferences > Network > Show > "Name of airport connection, Automatic?"
- Click on Airport Tab > Options > un-check "disconnect from wireless networks when I log out"
- Close Sys Prefs
- System Prefs > Network > Location (Go through the all the locations and write down all the settings)
- Location > Edit location > delete the lot
- Location > New location > re-establish all the locations you've deleted